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On this page:
• Applets • Decompilers |
Examples of useful applets:
• Date & time • vertical smooth scroller • horizontal smooth scroller • Rubik's cube • Rotating cube |
Applets | home - top of the page - |
Applets - java code running in-browser. Check on www.whatis.com.
• Java
Applets [javasoft.com]
• java.sun.com/products/plugin
- plugin (to use Swing in your applet)
• www.jars.com
- a lot of java stuff (with code examples and good search) - a Gamelan
(• www.gamelan.com
) site
• javaboutique.internet.com
- many Java applets, news, reviews, how-tos, FAQs
• yahoo
directory of applet sites
• www.opencube.com
- many good applets (scrollers, etc.)
Java - applets for effects and navigation.
• ET Applets
- collection of small and fast Java applets to make your web page come
• J-Track
- a Java applet which tracks dozens of satellites including the Space Shuttle,
Mir, COBE, UARS, and Hubble right in your browser.
• Java
as Lv1 - applets galore.
• Java
City 2000 - collection of Java scripts and Applets together with an
online warping page.
• Java
on the Brain - Karl Hornell's applet center.
• Lanimator
- creates layered animations for your web page.
• NetCharts
- collection of Java powered HTML configurable chart applets including
a bar chart, xy chart, pie chart, box chart, and diagram applet.
• Nizze's
Java Applets
• Opsis
- Java applet that can be used to teach balanced binary search tree algorithms.
Unique in that it combines elements of programming, proof, and animation
to enhance learning.
• RealApplets.com
- applets include entertainment, games, and tools.
Viewer Applet - SGF is an XML Metadata format for describing the structure
of a web site. The applet gets SGF metadata and builds an interactive site
• Simple
Web Resources - downloadable, free Java applet and JavaScript collection
for beginners.
• Spirograph
- An interactive Spirograph applet.
• Ted's
Virtual Java Guitar Applet - strum a six string Java guitar applet.
Finger notes and chords on the frets.
• Vasile's
Java Classes and Applets - sending/reading e-mail, a spy for your pages
and tabbed panels for Java.
• Wavelet
Cascade Applet - Java applet allows the interactive calculation and
display of a two parameter family of scaling functions and wavelets using
the cascade algorithm.
• WebAgent
- checks web pages for updates and sounds an alarm when they change. You
will need a browser which includes Java 1.1 or better to use this.
• www.wsabstract.com/java/index.shtml
- Free applets from Website Abstraction
• www.softseek.com/Internet/Web_Publishing_Tools
- SoftSeek
• www.davecentral.com/javacoll.html
- Applets on Dave Central
• www.objectsfusion.com/applets/graphics.html
- cool applets
Java Decompilers | home - top of the page - |
If you see the applet you like, but the source code is not provided, you can almost always decompile it and make it work with just little extra work. Even if it was obfuscated somehow (names substituted by meaningless id-s).
There are many decompilers. You can start with Jad:
- http://kpdus.tripod.com/jad.html#download
- Jad - the fast JAva Decompiler
Download it, unzip, place in the path - and you can use it from DOS
prompt in any directory.
Another good Decompiler is a Java decompiler from SourceTec (formerly
named Jasmine Java Decompiler - a patch to Mocha,
the well known Java decompiler).
• www.srctec.com/decompiler.htm
- SourceTec Java Decompiler - download and instructions.
You can read more on Developer's Daily: • www.devdaily.com/java/edu/pj/
Some other decompilers:
• java.sun.com/products/jdk/1.2/docs/tooldocs/win32/javap.html
- javap - The Java Class File Disassembler from Sun
• www.wingsoft.com/products.shtml
-- WingDis - a product from WingSoft
• www.ahpah.com/product.html
- SourceAgain ($100 .. $300) - decompiler for Java class files, is able
to correctly analyze and decompile even the most complex Java control flow,
producing correct, re-compilable Java almost every time.
• jode.sourceforge.net/
- JODE is a java package containing a decompiler and an optimizer for java.
• www.meurrens.org/ip-Links/Java/codeEngineering/
- old page - lists some tools
• home.earthlink.net/~gregstp/ClassVista.html
- ClassVista is a Win32 application written using MFC which allows easy
viewing of the contents of Java class files
• www.sable.mcgill.ca/software
- SableCC is an object-oriented framework that generates compilers and
interpreters in the Java programming language
• www.riis.com/book/preface.html
- Decompiling Java - book by Godfrey Nolan
• davenet.userland.com/1997/02/19/DecompilingJava
- article about Mocha
• www.mathtools.net/Java/Compilers/
- links on compilers and decompilers
• www.javaworld.com/javaworld/jw-07-1997/jw-07-decompilers.html
- article (1997) comparing 3 decompilers:
-- DejaVu, distributed as part of Innovative Software's OEW
for Java development environment (www.isg.de)
-- Mocha, the first and most widely known decompiler
-- WingDis - a product from WingSoft www.wingsoft.com/products.shtml
Here is how to protect your code from decompiling:
• www.javaworld.com/javatips/jw-javatip22i.html
- Qusay H. Mahmoud's "Protect your bytecodes from reverse engineering/decompilation"
• Crema - obfuscator, the original companion
of Mocha
• www.e-t.com/jshrink.html
- Jshrink, a Java shrinker/obfuscator