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On this site: |
• SSL • routers, firewalls, proxy • java security • user management • misc |
Main Sites | home - top of the page - |
For big companies issues of security is very important.
They use specialists in things like SSL, Certificates, Public/Private
keys, encryption
• www.rsa.com
- one of the best sites on security. Start with •
, then read FAQ
• www.w3.org/Security/Faq/
- The World Wide Web Security FAQ by Lincoln D. Stein
• http://astalavista.box.sk/
- search engine for security-related topics
• www.verisign.com/
- Verisign
• www.infosecuritymag.com
- Information Security Magazine
• www.securityspace.com/sspace
- Security Space site
• Practical Unix
& Internet Security by Simson Garfinkel and Gene Spafford (O'Reilly,
2nd ed., 1996)
• Web security & Commerce by Simson Garfinkel and Gene Spafford (O'Reilly, 1997) • Web Security: A Step-by-Step Reference Guide by Lincoln D. Stein (1998) • SSL and TLS Essentials: Securing the Web by Stephen A. Thomas • Web Proxy Servers (Web Infrastructure Series) by Ari Luotonen • Building Internet Firewalls (O'Reilly) by Elizabeth D. Zwicky, Simon Cooper, D. Brent Chapman, Deborah Russell Java:
SSL, TLS, https, | home - top of the page - |
SSL is an implementation of Netscape's Secure Socket Layer
that allow secure connections over insecure networks, e.g. to transmit
credit card numbers to web based forms.
• home.netscape.com/eng/ssl3/
- current version of SSL
• home.netscape.com/eng/ssl3/ssl-toc.html
- html docs
TLS is the Transport Layer Security protocol. It is effectively SSL 3.1.
HTTPS (Secure Hypertext Transfer Protocol) is really just the use of SSL as a sublayer under its regular HTTP application layering. HTTPS uses port 443 instead of HTTP port 80 in its interactions with the lower layer, TCP/IP. SSL uses a 40-bit key size for the RC4 stream encryption algorithm, which is considered an adequate degree of encryption for commercial exchange.
When browser sends request to https://something - this request (and response) will be encrypted.
• www.openssl.org/ • OpenSSL Project is a collaborative effort to develop an Open Source toolkit implementing the SSL and TLS protocols as well as a full-strength general purpose cryptography library. Project is based on the excellent SSLeay library developed by Eric A. Young and Tim J. Hudson.
• www.ssl.com
- some good info
Routers, Firewalls, Proxy | home - top of the page - |
To get a minimum understanding of routers and firewalls, check out these
2 sites:
• www.cisco.com
• www.checkpoint.com
• www.checkpoint.com
Proxy Servers:
A Proxy Server is usually an extensible firewall and content cache
server, providing Internet security while improving network response time
and efficiency.
A Proxy Server includes Firewall and Proxy Cashing.
• serverwatch.internet.com/proxyservers.html
- Review of more than 25 Proxy Servers on Serverwatch.
• docs.iplanet.com/docs/manuals/proxy.html
- iPlanet (Netscape) proxy server docs
• docs.iplanet.com/docs/manuals/proxy.html
- iPlanet (Netscape) proxy server docs in HTML
• www.aplawrence.com/Reviews/proxyserv.shtml
- Tony Lawrence review of Netscape Proxy Server
• www.squid-cache.org/
- "Squid Web Proxy Cache"
• www.aplawrence.com/Reviews/squid.shtml
- Tony Lawrence review of Squid (caching proxy server)
• www.microsoft.com/directaccess/products/proxy/
- MS Proxy Server
• www.microsoft.com/technet/Proxy/tools/prx2rel.asp
- MS Proxy Server
Java security | home - top of the page - |
• www.oreilly.com/catalog/javasec/chapter/ch01.html
- first chapter from Java
Security by Scott Oaks
• java.sun.com/security/
- JavaTM Security API
• www.infosyssec.org/infosyssec/java1.htm
- java security portal
• www.eli.sdsu.edu/courses/spring99/cs696/notes/security/security.html
- Java Security model:
SecurityManager, Permissions (Default, Socket, File), Property Expansion
in Policy Files, CodeBase, Determining Permissions, Privileged Blocks,
Encryption, Signing Java jar files, signedBy, Policy File
• http://www.zope.org/Members/jim/ZopeSecurity/JavaSecurityModel
- - summary of Java Security model:
Java's security model is based on classes, Permissions,
and programmer-performed run-time permission checks.
Permissions - abstract objects.
They are defined by a permission class and 0 or more string parameters.
java.io.FilePermission("myfile", "read,write")
Permissions can imply other permissions.
Policies - define which classes have which permissions. Policies do not express what permissions are needed to use a class. Policies seem to be global settings. There doesn't seem to be any notion of server apps that provide different policies for different human users. Policies are assigned to classes based either on class location or on the class provider (owner) as expressed through a cryptographic signature, where the signature is contained in a .jar file.
Defining what permissions are needed to perform actions. This is done through explicit checks in Java code. When a bit of code wants to perform some action that should be protected, the code makes an explicit call to check whether the calling classes have the necessary permission:
SecurityManager security = System.getSecurityManager();
if (security != null) {
perm = new FilePermission("path/file", "read");
• www.roaster.com/news/topics/225.html
- Java Security model - articles
• www.javaworld.com/javaworld/jw-11-1997/jw-11-hood.html
- javaworld article "Java security: How to install the security manager
and customize your security policy".
• http://www.szptt.net.cn/9810dnwl/new/jdk1.2/ch03/ch03.htm
- The Extended Java Security Model (from Java 1.2 Unleashed)
• http://www.artima.com/underthehood/overviewsecurity.html
- Java's Security Architecture, An overview of the JVM's security model
and a look at its built-in safety features by Bill Venners
• http://www.infosys.tuwien.ac.at/Teaching/Finished/MastersTheses/JSEF/node7.html
- Dimploma "A flexible and extensible
security framework for Java code" by Clemens Kerer
User Management | home - top of the page - |
• dir.yahoo.com/../Security_and_Encryption/Software/
• www.netegrity.com/
- Netegrity - secure portal solution
• www.netegrity.com/products/siteminder.html
- SiteMinder® by Netegrity - SiteMinder is an e-commerce infrastructure
solution that provides secure portal management capabilities.
• www.netegrity.com/products/dms.html
- Delegated Management Services - How do global enterprises, e-marketplaces
and application service providers securely manage millions of distributed
• www.netegrity.com/products/affiliates.html
- security management to include multiple partners or suppliers (extends
single sign-on and personalization to provide a seamless connection between
main portals and affiliate sites).
misc | home - top of the page - |
• www.ciac.org/
- DOE (US Dept. Of Energy) security advisory site
• www.ssh.com/
- ssh - encripted substitute for telnet, rcp, rlogin, etc.
• www.vandyke.com/
- secure telnet (SecureCRT) and secure FTP (SecureFX), and secure VShell
server for MS Windows.