Java2 Certification last minute tutorial |
The purpose of this tutorialThese pages are designed to help you pass the Sun Certified Java Programmers Exam. I have attempted to lay out the pages so they print out acceptably on A4 paper. It has been under active development for more than a year and incorporates feedback and corrections from many hundreds of people (thank you all). It is only available in this form, ie discreet web pages. There is no single file download because of the additional work it would take to keep such a file updated.You can search through the entire site including this tutorial from the search field at the front of this site. Although I cover all of the objectives as published by Sun, other topics may come up on the exam. Two that I know of are are I/O and the graphics paint method.. This tutorial is designed mainly for final cramming rather than in-depth study and learning. It assumes that you already know the basic principles of programming from a language such as C/C++ or Visual Basic and that you can set up your Java environment to create and run Java programs. It doesn't try to make you a good programmer, or even a good Java programmer, it just tries to get you through the exam by concentrating narrowly on the objectives. It assumes that you know stuff like the difference between an application and an applet and that Java is case sensitive. If you don't know this type of stuff, get hold of a beginners Java tutorial and play with the language to get some understanding. You could do worse that going to the Sun web site and downloading the Sun Java Tutorial at http://www.javasoft.com/docs/books/tutorial/index.html Another handy online Java Tutorial can be found at http://www.phrantic.com/scoop/onjava.html. Two other books for beginning Java programmers are Peter van der Lindens Just Java And Beyond and the O’Reilly Java In a Nutshell Deluxe Edition which comes with the Nutshell book plus the text on a CD ROM and the text of 4 other books on the CD ROM. Can't afford the Technical Books?If you find Technical books are not affordable, you you may like to check out the links I am putting in to free tutorial information on the net. These are generally web sites, but one is the excellent book by Bruce Eckel "Thinking in Java". This is freely downloadable and is an excellent general Java book. See http://www.bruceeckel.com for the links. If you have an unreliable internet link and find that large downloads like the JDK tend to break half way through then you may benefit from a program like GoZilla, from http://www.gizmo.net/gozilla. You can find the Java Glossary and a huge amount of excellent links organised by the unique Roedy Green at http://mindprod.com/jgloss.htmlFor the final arbiter on the Java language check out the Java Language Specification, sometimes called the JLS. This can answer the really tricky questions and the sneaky ones like "is null a keyword".You can find the JLS at http://java.sun.com/docs/books/jls/second_edition/html/jTOC.doc.html Subjects not covered by the examAs you will see from reading the objectives the topics of the exam are limited to the basics of the Java language. In case you are concerned to find what is not on the exam, take a look at the document at.http://www.software.u-net.com/javaexam/NotCovered.htm
You can see the first version of this document written for the objectives published for the JDK 1.1 exam at http://www.software.u-net.com/ The licence for this tutorialAnyone can download and print out this tutorial for personal use. Please contact me if you wish to use it for any other purpose.
For information on other Certification books and resources see my Java Certification FAQ at |
Section Title: Declarations and Access Control | |
Section Title: Flow Control and Exception Handling | |
Section Title: Garbage Collection | |
Section Title: Language Fundamentals
Section Title: Operators and Assignments | |
Section Title: Overloading, Overriding, Runtime Type and Object Orientation | |
Section Title: Threads | |
Section Title: The java.awt package - Layout | |
Section Title: The java.lang package | |
Section Title: The java.util package | |
Section Title: The Java.io package (under heavy revision as of Oct 200) | ||
Last Modified
23 Oct 2000 |