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home > Rotating Cube Applet

Wait for Applet to load.

Use mouse to rotate the cube.

Each side (face) of the cube may have different image and may be associated with a different link.

Click on faces to see still images.
Click again to return to rotation.

Doubleclick on rotating faces to follow links.

Rotating cubes home - top of the page -

Fabio Ciucci (Anfy Team):
www.anfyteam.com/ - Anfy team site
www.senior.ro/anfy/tutorial/samples.html - Anfy Java with 40 applets
pages.prodigy.net/rongleba/spins.html - FC cube
www.buddycom.com/WebGuru/Java/javastuff/tmapcube/tmapcube2.html - 1999 FC cube with flowers
www.vntalk.com/JavaApplet/tmapcube/ - FC TMAP cube with animated text
www.objectsfusion.com/applets/applets/tmapcube.html - rotating cube
members.tripod.com/~lionsgate/java14.html -  - rotating cube

www.anfyteam.com/panfy3d.html - ANFY 3-d renderer for Java games

Fabio Ciucci

www.intel.com/home/funstuff/webapplets/3dcube/3dcube.htm -  Intel Rotating photo cube (image3dcube.class)
crowdesigns.apachego.com/cube/cubebkgn.htm - backgrounds on cube, similar to Intel (image3dcube.class)
www.geocities.com/html_4u/cube.html - similar to Intel, but slimmed down (image3dcube.class)

www.javapowered.com/cube/cube.html - rotating cube by Tarek Fouda: pictures, mouse control

www.senior.ro/anfy/Applet/tmapcube/tmapcube.html - good rotating cube

www.visualbeans.com/View3D/Samples/TextureCube.html - free cube
eslit.com/java/applet/3D/rotatecube.html - small rotating cube