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Rubik's Cube

Rubik's Cube home - top of the page -
Applets of Rubik's Cube which you can rotate:
www.javaonthebrain.com/java/rubik/ - original applet (1996) by Karl Hornell (and many other applets to enjoy and download)
www.javacats.com/US/search/dir020.html - list of several applets
benjerry.middlebury.edu/~knights/Applets/Cube/Cube.html - 2 views
www.johnrausch.com/PuzzleWorld/rubikjv.htm - yet another applet
www.nrr.co.uk/rubik/cube/?500,300 - yet another one
bruichladdich.dcs.st-and.ac.uk/mathrecsFolder/Rubik.html - links to sites about Rubik's cube
www.npac.syr.edu/users/yjchang/magic/Magic.html - yet another
Rubik's Cube
Point and drag with the mouse to twist or rotate.
Press S to scramble
Press R to restore the cube
Click here to see source for this applet.