This test pages shows, that while the javascript is doing something in a loop (e.g. removes 19 options from the list) - it stops processing the onClick() events (pressing inc_mycc doesn't immediately increase the mycc counter near the button).
But the information about your mouse clicks is stored and they will be executed later after the main loop finishes.  Note, though, that for some reason only approx. half of your mouse clicks will be remembered.
I was also trying to find out what if onClick events actually are being processed - but simply not displayed until the main loop finishes? For this purpose I use a myflag variable which is supposed to be set to the length of the list every time you press theinc_mycc button - and also its value is appended to the myflag text field.
press  'inc_mycc' button - see what it does
press 'remove options' button - and while it is working - press the 'inc_mycc' several times.
see what will show in mycounter and myflag fields when everything finishes.