The complete Apache JServ installation requires less than 2Mb of
hard disk space. The compiled, not-compressed jar archive is more or less
Apache JServ works only with the Apache
HTTP Server 1.3.1 or higher. (latest version is highly recommended).
A fully compliant Java 1.1 Runtime Environment is required for Apache
JServ to execute. The official list
of compatible ports is found on the JavaSoft web site.
Note: since Apache JServ uses only standard Java APIs (java.*), please, do not submit a bug report if your Java virtual machine fails to execute Apache JServ because of broken compliance. Send it to your Java virtual machine implementers.
The JavaSoft JSDK 2.0 is required by Apache JServ for proper servlet
execution. This package is freely available from the JavaSoft web site
Note: this version of Apache JServ requires exactly the specified version of the JSDK in order to operate properly. Any other version (past, present or future) is not supported.
Since the distribution include the precompiled Java binary archive,
compilation of the Java source is optional.
Note: a Java compiler is needed to build servlets if you plan to write your own.
Even if win32 distribution comes with precompiled binaries, the
mod_jserv module and the native wrapper need a C compiler in order to operate
correctly. Currently only Microsoft Visual C++ (version 5.0 or higher)
is supported.
Even if many different ways of installing Apache JServ exist, in this section we concentrate to the basic installation (called integrated or automatic mode) where the servlet engine process is spawned and controlled by the web server itself and, consequently, both the web server and the servlet engine share the same system resources.
This document assumes you have your Apache Web Server already installed and configured.
These are the properties you should edit:
wrapper.bin=@JAVA@ (the name of the JVM interpreter, absolute if not in PATH)wrapper.classpath=@JSERV_CLASSES@ (the path to ApacheJServ.jar) wrapper.classpath=@JSDK_CLASSES@ (the path to jsdk.jar) (the path to ./conf/ (the path to ./logs/jserv.log)
After you have copied the file in the module directory, you should append the configuration template file \conf\httpd.conf to your existing Apache configuration file (usually httpd.conf). This template helps you configure the module and the web server.
The first thing to do is to uncomment the loadmodule directive to let Apache know about the new module
After this, you should specify the servlet engine configuration file (usually and the module log file with the directives# Tell Apache on win32 to load the Apache JServ communication module LoadModule jserv_module modules/ApacheModuleJServ.dll
The log file will be created if not existing or logs will be appended to an existing file.ApJServProperties <full path to ./conf/> ApJServLogFile <full path to ./logs/jserv.module.log>
If the web server returns a File not found error code, this means that your module is not properly installed or that you disabled the jserv-status handler. Otherwise you see the dynamic Apache JServ configuration pages that show you the status of your servlet environment.
The page you are seeing is created by the ApacheModuleJServ.dll module. To see if the servlet engine is working, go to the servlet engine section and follow the link. If everything is successful, you see the dynamic page generated by Apache JServ showing his configurations, otherwise, if you get an internal server error, this means your servlet engine is not working.
If the jserv.log file was not created this means that Apache JServ did not even start. Usually this is due to a dirty or broken classpath passed to the spawned virtual machine. Check out the jserv.module.log file and the Apache error.log file for clues on what the problem is. Just to make sure, you could try using absolute paths instead of relative ones because the different processes may see different working directories.
When the classpath is correct and Apache JServ starts, the jserv.log file is created. Look at that file for description of eventual other problems.
Copyright (c) 1997-99 The
Java Apache Project.
$Id: howto.win32_install.html,v 1.7 1999/09/29 03:23:57
admin Exp $
All rights reserved.