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• www.teaink.com/netscapehover.htm - how to make HOVER links in Netscape (using Javascript)
Here are the details (as of December, 2000):
The script operates on the groups of links. To create a group add
onMouseOver="hoverStyle('internal style name')"
to the links and create group style definition in the styleHr array. Array format:
['internal style name', 'CSS class name', y-correction, true/false]
First line must be kept intact.
Style of the "all unmarked" links must be defined on the second line.
New groups must be defined on the lines three and below.
To enable/disable hovering on the group of links set it's style true/false
To upgrade the old naming scheme either replace the numbers with the
strings or set the internal style names to the numbers in quotes.
1) Paste this into the somename.js file
// Netscape Hover v1.3
// Copyright © 2000 Dmitry Kirillov. All rights reserved // http://www.teaink.com/netscapehover.htm function HoverBoxObject() {
var hrBox = new HoverBoxObject(); function overHover(e) {
function outHover(e) {
if (ns4) {
2) Paste the following just below the <body>
<!-- Hover Section start -->
<layer id='linkhover' z-index=100 visibility='hide'></layer> <SCRIPT LANGUAGE="JavaScript1.2" TYPE="text/javascript"> <!-- // Netscape Hover v1.3 // http://www.teaink.com/netscapehover.htm var ns4 = (document.layers) ? true : false; function hoverStyle(prm) { } if (ns4) { document.write('<SCR'+'IPT LANGUAGE="JavaScript1.2" SRC="somename.js" TYPE="text/javascript"><\/SCR'+'IPT>'); } //--> </SCRIPT> <!-- Hover Section end --> |