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Redirect in Perl, Java & Javascript

- html
- perl
- java
- javascript

HTML home - top of the page -

put this tag in the header, change 0 to number of seconds if you want to wait:
<META HTTP-EQUIV="Refresh" CONTENT="0;URL=http://www.yahoo.com">

Perl home - top of the page -

#! /usr/local/bin/perl
print "Location: http://www.yahoo.com\n\n";
# print "Status: 301 Redirect\nLocation: http://www.yahoo.com\n\n";

Java Servlets home - top of the page -

import javax.servlet.*;
import javax.servlet.http.*;
import java.io.*;
// import java.util.*;
// import java.sql.*;

public class rr1 extends HttpServlet {
  public void init(ServletConfig config) throws ServletException {

  public void doPost( HttpServletRequest req, HttpServletResponse res ) throws ServletException,
IOException {
    PrintWriter out = new PrintWriter (res.getOutputStream());

 or you can do this:
   out.println(<html><META HTTP-EQUIV="Refresh" CONTENT="0;URL=http://www.yahoo.com"></html>);
 or these 2 lines:
   res.setHeader("Location", "http://www.yahoo.com");


  public void doGet( HttpServletRequest req, HttpServletResponse res ) throws ServletException,
IOException {


Javascript home - top of the page -

<a href="javascript:document.location='http://www.yahoo.com'">jump2yahoo</a>
or shorter
<a href="javascript: location='http://www.yahoo.com'">jump2yahoo</a>