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whatis - excellent site of computer terms
http://webopedia.internet.com/ - > 4,000 words

http://www.webfaq.net/ - WebFAQ
http://www.boutell.com - WWW FAQ

www.google.com - my favorite search engine
http://directory.google.com/ - my favorite directory listing
http://directory.google.com/Top/Computers/Programming/Internet/ - my favorite listing
www.deja.com -
www.altavista.com -
www.yahoo.com -
www.excite.com -

WorkMarks - A.Voll page

www.infoseek.com -
www.lycos.com -
www.hotbot.com -
www.snap.com - good consumer search engine from CNET
home.microsoft.com -
www.copernic.com - looks in many search engines, updates the list of search engines
www.northernlight.com - very good and fast search engine
www.metacrawler.com - www.go2net.com/search.html
www.dogpile.com - multi-engine search
MetaSearch.html - read about different meta-searches
http://askjeeves.com/ -
List of search engines on YAHOO

Meriam-Webster Dictionary
facstaff.bucknell.edu/rbeard/diction3.html - many dictionaries

http://memepool.com/Subject/ - memepool

http://www.w3.org/ - World Wide Web Consortium - standards for WWW
http://webopedia.internet.com/WebopaediaIndex.html - encyclopedia of computer/programming related terms
http://coverage.cnet.com/Resources/Info/Glossary/ - glossary of computer terms
http://www.refcards.com/ - short reference cards (Apache, mod_perl, GNU Emacs, GDB, etc.)
http://www.fatbrain.com/partners/ssc/home.html - more refcards

What other companies are using?
whois - networksolutions.com - whois service (InterNIC)
Some Helpful Databases home - top of the page -

Telephone Databases
This includes reverse telephone directories.
http://www.theultimates.com/ -
http://people.yahoo.com/ -
http://www.anywho.com/ -
http://www.infospace.com/people1.htm -
http://www.tollfree.att.net/tf.html -

E-mail Databases
This includes reverse e-mail searches.
http://www.theultimates.com/ -
http://people.yahoo.com/ -
http://www.infospace.com/email1.htm -

Internet Domain Databases
http://www.networksolutions.com/ -
http://www.dotcomdirectory.com/nsi/basic.hm -
http://www.networksolutions.com/cgi-bin/whois/whois/ -
http://www.websense.com/locator.cfm -

Want to do it alone?
Here is a comprehensive archive of databases from the Dow Jones to people finders like DBT (Auto Track),
http://www.lainet.com/factfind/database.htm -