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intro home - top of the page -

tcsh - was born at Ohio State circa 1983, and Paul Placeway was its dad.
    Since 1987 is maintained by Christos Zoulas (christos@ee.cornell.edu).
    See more here: www.tac.nyc.ny.us/mirrors/tcsh-book/tcsh.html/AUTHORS.html

www.tcsh.org/page?Home - tcsh home page
www.tcsh.org - tcsh home page.
www.tac.nyc.ny.us/mirrors/tcsh-book/tcsh.html/index.html - tcsh manual page
www.engin.umich.edu/htbin/mangate?manpage=tcsh - tcsh
www.tac.nyc.ny.us/mirrors/tcsh-book/bindings.html - tcsh Command Editor Commands
www.blackie.dk/dotfile/ - TDG - The Dotfile Generator ( also read article here )
www.dubois.ws/software/csh-tcsh-book/ - Archive for "Using csh & tcsh" book by Paul DuBois - who also has written more good books: MySQL, MySQL and Perl for the Web, Software Portability with imakeThe MySQL Cookbook -
 This page has excellent links, for example an old article (1994): Tom Christiansen's article ( same at another address ) - why csh (and tcsh) should not be used for writing shell scripts.

http://www.flug.dk/lg/issue12/tcsh.html - Features of the TCSH Shell - By Jesper Kjær Pedersen

basics home - top of the page -

left-right arrows - move left-right in the line  (^B, ^F), 
up/down arrows - move up-down in the history (^P, ^N)

bindkey - shows the list of shortcuts you can use.
Standard key bindings
"^@"           ->  set-mark-command
"^A"           ->  beginning-of-line
"^B"           -> backward-char
"^C"           ->  tty-sigintr
"^D"           -> delete-char-or-list-or-eof
"^E"           ->  end-of-line
"^F"           -> forward-char
"^G"           ->  is undefined
"^H"           ->  backward-delete-char
"^I"           ->  complete-word (TAB)
"^J"           ->  newline
"^K"           ->  kill-line
"^L"           ->  clear-screen
"^M"           ->  newline
"^N"           -> down-history
"^O"           ->  tty-flush-output
"^P"           -> up-history
"^Q"           ->  tty-start-output
"^R"           ->  redisplay
"^S"           ->  tty-stop-output
"^T"           ->  transpose-chars
"^U"           ->  kill-whole-line
"^V"           ->  quoted-insert
"^W"           ->  kill-region
"^X"           ->  sequence-lead-in
"^Y"           ->  yank
"^Z"           ->  tty-sigtsusp
"^["           ->  sequence-lead-in
"^\"           ->  tty-sigquit
"^]"           ->  tty-dsusp
" "  to "/"    ->  self-insert-command
"0"  to "9"    ->  digit
":"  to "~"    ->  self-insert-command
"^?"           ->  backward-delete-char
"^Ä"           ->  list-choices
"^È"           ->  backward-delete-word
"^É"           ->  complete-word
"^Ì"           ->  clear-screen
"^Ú"           ->  run-fg-editor
"^Û"           ->  complete-word
"^ß"           ->  copy-prev-word
"\240"         ->  expand-history
"¡"  to "ÿ"    ->  self-insert-command 
Alternative key bindings
Multi-character bindings
"^[[A"         -> up-history
"^[[B"         -> down-history
"^[[C"         -> forward-char
"^[[D"         -> backward-char
"^[OA"         -> up-history
"^[OB"         -> down-history
"^[OC"         -> forward-char
"^[OD"         -> backward-char
"^[^D"         -> list-choices
"^[^H"         -> backward-delete-word
"^[^I"         -> complete-word
"^[^L"         -> clear-screen
"^[^Z"         -> run-fg-editor
"^[^["         -> complete-word
"^[^_"         -> copy-prev-word
"^[ "          -> expand-history
"^[!"          -> expand-history
"^[$"          -> spell-line
"^[/"          -> dabbrev-expand
"^[0"          -> digit-argument
"^[1"          -> digit-argument
"^[2"          -> digit-argument
"^[3"          -> digit-argument
"^[4"          -> digit-argument
"^[5"          -> digit-argument
"^[6"          -> digit-argument
"^[7"          -> digit-argument
"^[8"          -> digit-argument
"^[9"          -> digit-argument
"^[?"          -> which-command
"^[B"          -> backward-word
"^[C"          -> capitalize-word
"^[D"          -> delete-word
"^[F"          -> forward-word
"^[H"          -> run-help
"^[L"          -> downcase-word
"^[N"          -> history-search-forward
"^[P"          -> history-search-backward
"^[R"          -> toggle-literal-history
"^[S"          -> spell-word
"^[U"          -> upcase-word
"^[W"          -> copy-region-as-kill
"^[_"          -> insert-last-word
"^[b"          -> backward-word
"^[c"          -> capitalize-word
"^[d"          -> delete-word
"^[f"          -> forward-word
"^[h"          -> run-help
"^[l"          -> downcase-word
"^[n"          -> history-search-forward
"^[p"          -> history-search-backward
"^[r"          -> toggle-literal-history
"^[s"          -> spell-word
"^[u"          -> upcase-word
"^[w"          -> copy-region-as-kill
"^[^?"         -> backward-delete-word
"^X^X"         -> exchange-point-and-mark
"^X*"          -> expand-glob
"^X$"          -> expand-variables
"^XG"          -> list-glob
"^Xg"          -> list-glob
"^Xn"          -> normalize-path
"^XN"          -> normalize-path
"^X?"          -> normalize-command
"^X^I"         -> complete-word-raw
"^X^D"         -> list-choices-raw

Arrow key bindings
down           -> down-history
up             -> up-history
left           -> backward-char
right          -> forward-char

Press tab key to autocomplete the name of the file or a directory. If more than one match exists - you can see the list if you have variable "autolist" set up:
   set autolist
   set autolist=ambiguous:
    in csh you need to do set filec  in your ~/.cshrc  file.
   with autolsit set, you can also get a list of commands if you press tab when typing a command.

3 uses of ctrl-D:
^D on an empty line - exit the shell
^D in the middle of the line - delete on char (under the cursor)
^D at the end of a line - list the matching names. To get a list of names when the cursor is in the middle of a line (or
on an empty line), type Escape followed by ^D). 

. - current directory
.. - parent directory
~ - home directory
~somelogin - home directory of user with login 'somelogin'

Names whith spaces: - use quotes or escape spaces:
more 'abc def'
more abc\ def

history home - top of the page -
Accessing history in tcsh:
type "history" to see history of commands

Event specifiers:
!n This refers to the history event, with index n
!-n This refers to the history event, which was executed, n times ago: !-1 for the previous command, !-2 for the one before the previous command etc.
!! This refers to the previous command
!# This refers to the current command
!s This refers to the most recent command, whose first word begins with the string s
!?s? This refers to the most recent command, which contain the sting s

For example, just type !!, to re-execute the previous command.

But how can you re-execute some part of a previous command, with some new elements added? Use  the following word designators, which is appended to the event specifier, with a colon:
0 The first word (i.e. the command name)
n The nth word
$ The last argument
% The word matched by an ?s? search
x-y Argument range from x to y
* All the arguments to the command (equal to ^-$)
Now it's possible to get the last argument from the previous command, by typing !!:$.
If no event specifier is given, the previous command is used. This means that instead of writing !!:$, you may only write !$.
Note: more words designators exists, and it's even possible to edit the words with different commands.
!* Repat all arguments from previous command
!^ Repeat firt argument
!$ Repeat last argument

grep ERROR file1 file2 file3
grep -i !*

You can also repeat words from the current command:
!#* All arguments
!#^ First argument
!#$ Last argument
!#:n Argument n

You can repeat the words from previous commands while editing by pressing:
ESC _ Repat last argument from previous command
ESC ^_ Repeat previous word from current command
ESC / Repeat most recent word from my history list that matches the word to the left of the cursor

It is possible to expand the history references on the command line before you evaluate them by pressing ESC-SPC or ESC-! (This is: first the escape key, and next the space key or the ! key). On some keyboards you may use the meta key instead of the escape key. I.e. M-SPC (One keystroke!). Here is an example:
Before After
% sed 's/^\(...\) *\([0-9][0-9]*\)/\2 \1/' data1 > temp
% anova Height Weight < temp | more
% anova Height Weight < temp | lpr
% sed 's/^\(...\) *\([0-9][0-9]*\)/\2 \1/' data2 > temp
% anova Height Weight < temp | more
% anova Height Weight < temp | lpr
% sed 's/^\(...\) *\([0-9][0-9]*\)/\2 \1/' data1 > temp
% anova Height Weight < !$ | more
% ^more^lpr
% !sed:sdata1/data2
% !?more
% !?lpr

patterns home - top of the page -
Many operations in the shell often works on many files, e.g. all files ending with .tex or starting with test-. Tcsh has the opportunity to type all these files for you, with file patterns. The following list shows which possibilities there exists:
* Match any number of characters
? Match a single character
[...] Match any single character in the list
[x-y] - match any character within the range
[^...] - match elements which doesn't match the list
{...} This expands to all the words listed. There's no need that they match. See examples below.
^... ^ in the beginning of a pattern negates the pattern.

*.tex match all files ending with .tex
^*.tex match all files which does not end with .tex
xxx{ab,cde,hifj}yy match xxxabyy xxxcdeyy and xxxhifjyy
*.[ch] or *.{c,h} match all .c and .h files

The shell expand patterns before the program will get it. For example, if you use:

   somecommand a:* /tmp

it will try to expand the star before passing arguments to the command. If you really want to pass the star itself to the command - escape it:

      somecommand a:\* /tmp

Use ctrl-x followed by 'g' key to list all pattern matches without actually executing the command.
Or use ctrl-x followed by '*' to expand * right on the command line.

complete home - top of the page -

complete display all completion definitions
complete name
uncomplete name
uncomplete *
display completion definition for command 'name'
delete completion rule for one (or all) names
complete cd 'p/1/d/' p - apply to a word at a given position
1 - first position (first after command itself)
d - complete as a directory name
complete rmdir 'p/*/d/' p - position
* - any position
d - as directory
complete alias 'p/1/a/' complete alias with alias name
complete ftp 'p/1/(serv1.edu  serv2.edu)/' complete with server names
complete find 'c/-/(user group type name print exec mtime fstype perm size)/' c - match the first thing (dash in this case) and complete it with the second thing from the lsit (use TAB or ^D)
complete find \
  'c/-/(user group type name print exec mtime fstype perm size)/'
  'n/-user/u/' \
n means "match first thing - and complete it something of a type of a second thing (in this case u - user names, g- group names)"
complete {cd,pushd}  'p/1/d/' same complete rule for 2 commands
complete gunzip 'p/*/f:*.{z,gz,Z}/' restrict completion words by a pattern
complete elm 'c@=@F:/usr/staff/dubois/Mail@' you can use other characters (in this case - @) as a delimiter
complete '=' with the name of actual file

www.dubois.ws/software/csh-tcsh-book/complete.tcsh - many examples of using complete

misc home - top of the page -

Making Aliases
Aliases can often be a bit hard to create since one often wants history/variable references expanded at time of use, and not at the definition time.
This has been done easier with The Dot Generator (TDG).

Script example:

 foreach f (*.py *.java)
 echo ================================================
 echo $f
 echo ================================================
 cat $f