LevSelector.com |
intro | home - top of the page - |
tcsh - was born at Ohio State circa
1983, and Paul Placeway was its dad.
Since 1987 is maintained by Christos Zoulas (christos@ee.cornell.edu).
See more here: www.tac.nyc.ny.us/mirrors/tcsh-book/tcsh.html/AUTHORS.html
• www.tcsh.org/page?Home
- tcsh home page
• www.tcsh.org
- tcsh home page.
• www.tac.nyc.ny.us/mirrors/tcsh-book/tcsh.html/index.html
- tcsh manual page
• www.engin.umich.edu/htbin/mangate?manpage=tcsh
- tcsh
• www.tac.nyc.ny.us/mirrors/tcsh-book/bindings.html
- tcsh Command Editor Commands
• www.blackie.dk/dotfile/
- TDG - The Dotfile Generator ( also read article here
• www.dubois.ws/software/csh-tcsh-book/
- Archive for "Using csh & tcsh" book by Paul
DuBois - who also has written more good books: MySQL,
and Perl for the Web,
Portability with imake, The
MySQL Cookbook -
This page has excellent links, for example an old article (1994):
Christiansen's article ( same
at another address ) - why csh (and tcsh) should not be used for writing
shell scripts.
• http://www.flug.dk/lg/issue12/tcsh.html
- Features of the TCSH Shell - By Jesper Kjær Pedersen
basics | home - top of the page - |
left-right arrows - move left-right in the line (^B, ^F),
up/down arrows - move up-down in the history (^P, ^N) |
bindkey - shows the list of shortcuts you can use.
Standard key bindings
"^@" -> set-mark-command "^A" -> beginning-of-line "^B" -> backward-char "^C" -> tty-sigintr "^D" -> delete-char-or-list-or-eof "^E" -> end-of-line "^F" -> forward-char "^G" -> is undefined "^H" -> backward-delete-char "^I" -> complete-word (TAB) "^J" -> newline "^K" -> kill-line "^L" -> clear-screen "^M" -> newline "^N" -> down-history "^O" -> tty-flush-output "^P" -> up-history "^Q" -> tty-start-output "^R" -> redisplay "^S" -> tty-stop-output "^T" -> transpose-chars "^U" -> kill-whole-line "^V" -> quoted-insert "^W" -> kill-region "^X" -> sequence-lead-in "^Y" -> yank "^Z" -> tty-sigtsusp "^[" -> sequence-lead-in "^\" -> tty-sigquit "^]" -> tty-dsusp " " to "/" -> self-insert-command "0" to "9" -> digit ":" to "~" -> self-insert-command "^?" -> backward-delete-char "^Ä" -> list-choices "^È" -> backward-delete-word "^É" -> complete-word "^Ì" -> clear-screen "^Ú" -> run-fg-editor "^Û" -> complete-word "^ß" -> copy-prev-word "\240" -> expand-history "¡" to "ÿ" -> self-insert-command |
Alternative key bindings
Multi-character bindings "^[[A" -> up-history "^[[B" -> down-history "^[[C" -> forward-char "^[[D" -> backward-char "^[OA" -> up-history "^[OB" -> down-history "^[OC" -> forward-char "^[OD" -> backward-char "^[^D" -> list-choices "^[^H" -> backward-delete-word "^[^I" -> complete-word "^[^L" -> clear-screen "^[^Z" -> run-fg-editor "^[^[" -> complete-word "^[^_" -> copy-prev-word "^[ " -> expand-history "^[!" -> expand-history "^[$" -> spell-line "^[/" -> dabbrev-expand "^[0" -> digit-argument "^[1" -> digit-argument "^[2" -> digit-argument "^[3" -> digit-argument "^[4" -> digit-argument "^[5" -> digit-argument "^[6" -> digit-argument "^[7" -> digit-argument "^[8" -> digit-argument "^[9" -> digit-argument "^[?" -> which-command "^[B" -> backward-word "^[C" -> capitalize-word "^[D" -> delete-word "^[F" -> forward-word "^[H" -> run-help "^[L" -> downcase-word "^[N" -> history-search-forward "^[P" -> history-search-backward "^[R" -> toggle-literal-history "^[S" -> spell-word "^[U" -> upcase-word "^[W" -> copy-region-as-kill |
-> insert-last-word
"^[b" -> backward-word "^[c" -> capitalize-word "^[d" -> delete-word "^[f" -> forward-word "^[h" -> run-help "^[l" -> downcase-word "^[n" -> history-search-forward "^[p" -> history-search-backward "^[r" -> toggle-literal-history "^[s" -> spell-word "^[u" -> upcase-word "^[w" -> copy-region-as-kill "^[^?" -> backward-delete-word "^X^X" -> exchange-point-and-mark "^X*" -> expand-glob "^X$" -> expand-variables "^XG" -> list-glob "^Xg" -> list-glob "^Xn" -> normalize-path "^XN" -> normalize-path "^X?" -> normalize-command "^X^I" -> complete-word-raw "^X^D" -> list-choices-raw Arrow key bindings
Press tab key to autocomplete the
name of the file or a directory. If more than one match exists - you can
see the list if you have variable "autolist" set up:
set autolist set autolist=ambiguous: Note: in csh you need to do set filec in your ~/.cshrc file. Note: with autolsit set, you can also get a list of commands if you press tab when typing a command. |
3 uses of ctrl-D:
^D on an empty line - exit the shell
^D in the middle of the line - delete on char (under the cursor) ^D at the end of a line - list the matching names. To get a list of names when the cursor is in the middle of a line (or on an empty line), type Escape followed by ^D). |
. - current directory
.. - parent directory
~ - home directory
~somelogin - home directory of user with login 'somelogin'
Names whith spaces: - use quotes or escape spaces:
more 'abc def'
more abc\ def
history | home - top of the page - |
Event specifiers:
!n | This refers to the history event, with index n |
!-n | This refers to the history event, which was executed, n times ago: !-1 for the previous command, !-2 for the one before the previous command etc. |
!! | This refers to the previous command |
!# | This refers to the current command |
!s | This refers to the most recent command, whose first word begins with the string s |
!?s? | This refers to the most recent command, which contain the sting s |
For example, just type !!, to re-execute the previous command.
But how can you re-execute some part of a previous command, with some new elements added? Use the following word designators, which is appended to the event specifier, with a colon:
0 | The first word (i.e. the command name) |
n | The nth word |
$ | The last argument |
% | The word matched by an ?s? search |
x-y | Argument range from x to y |
* | All the arguments to the command (equal to ^-$) |
!* | Repat all arguments from previous command |
!^ | Repeat firt argument |
!$ | Repeat last argument |
grep ERROR file1 file2 file3
grep -i !*
You can also repeat words from the current command:
!#* | All arguments |
!#^ | First argument |
!#$ | Last argument |
!#:n | Argument n |
You can repeat the words from previous commands while editing by pressing:
ESC _ | Repat last argument from previous command |
ESC ^_ | Repeat previous word from current command |
ESC / | Repeat most recent word from my history list that matches the word to the left of the cursor |
It is possible to expand the history references on the command line
before you evaluate them by pressing
(This is: first the escape key, and next the space key or the !
key). On some keyboards you may use the meta key instead of the escape
key. I.e. M-SPC (One keystroke!). Here is an example:
Before | After | |
% sed 's/^\(...\) *\([0-9][0-9]*\)/\2
\1/' data1 > temp
% anova Height Weight < temp | more % anova Height Weight < temp | lpr % sed 's/^\(...\) *\([0-9][0-9]*\)/\2 \1/' data2 > temp % anova Height Weight < temp | more % anova Height Weight < temp | lpr |
% sed 's/^\(...\) *\([0-9][0-9]*\)/\2
\1/' data1 > temp
% anova Height Weight < !$ | more % ^more^lpr % !sed:sdata1/data2 % !?more % !?lpr |
patterns | home - top of the page - |
* | Match any number of characters |
? | Match a single character |
[...] | Match any single character in the list
[x-y] - match any character within the range [^...] - match elements which doesn't match the list |
{...} | This expands to all the words listed. There's no need that they match. See examples below. |
^... | ^ in the beginning of a pattern negates the pattern. |
*.tex | match all files ending with .tex |
^*.tex | match all files which does not end with .tex |
xxx{ab,cde,hifj}yy | match xxxabyy xxxcdeyy and xxxhifjyy |
*.[ch] or *.{c,h} | match all .c and .h files |
The shell expand patterns before the program will get it. For
example, if you use:
somecommand a:* /tmp
it will try to expand the star before passing arguments to the command. If you really want to pass the star itself to the command - escape it:
somecommand a:\* /tmp
Use ctrl-x followed by 'g'
key to list all pattern matches without actually executing the command.
Or use ctrl-x followed by '*' to expand * right on the command line. |
complete | home - top of the page - |
complete | display all completion definitions |
complete name
uncomplete name uncomplete * |
display completion definition for command 'name'
delete completion rule for one (or all) names |
complete cd 'p/1/d/' | p - apply to a word at a given position
1 - first position (first after command itself) d - complete as a directory name |
complete rmdir 'p/*/d/' | p - position
* - any position d - as directory |
complete alias 'p/1/a/' | complete alias with alias name |
complete ftp 'p/1/(serv1.edu serv2.edu)/' | complete with server names |
complete find 'c/-/(user group type name print exec mtime fstype perm size)/' | c - match the first thing (dash in this case) and complete it with the second thing from the lsit (use TAB or ^D) |
complete find \
'c/-/(user group type name print exec mtime fstype perm size)/' 'n/-user/u/' \ 'n/-group/g/' |
n means "match first thing - and complete it something of a type of a second thing (in this case u - user names, g- group names)" |
complete {cd,pushd} 'p/1/d/' | same complete rule for 2 commands |
complete gunzip 'p/*/f:*.{z,gz,Z}/' | restrict completion words by a pattern |
complete elm 'c@=@F:/usr/staff/dubois/Mail@' | you can use other characters (in this case - @) as a delimiter
complete '=' with the name of actual file |
• www.dubois.ws/software/csh-tcsh-book/complete.tcsh
- many examples of using complete
misc | home - top of the page - |
Making Aliases
Aliases can often be a bit hard to create since one often wants history/variable
references expanded at time of use, and not at the definition time.
This has been done easier with The Dot Generator (TDG).
Script example:
foreach f (*.py *.java)